Unique Rare Vintage Rapidograph Pens & Ink. From the estate sale of inventory from the dissolved distributor of Rapidograph in the U. HARTLEY, REESE & CO. 3 New complete pens, 9 unopened bottles of drawing indian ink, new variant nib unit, 3 cone keys and 2 spare knobs. 1 rOtring Rapidograph Technical Pen #1002 0.2mm nib. Made in Germany pen is in pristine condition and unused complete in original box with filling instructions. 1 rOtring Rapidograph Technical Pen #1003 0.3mm nib. 1 rOtring Rapidograph Technical Pen #1008 0.8mm nib. 9 off in original boxes #5911 unopened rOtring drawing Indian Ink bottles. 1 rOtring Variant 0.8mm nib unit in protective capsule. 3 Red Cone Keys. 2 Variant Stepped Knobs. All ink appears liquid not solid in bottles. Packaging is browned with age. Some tears and marks (see photos). The rotring Rapidograph pen was known for its precision and accuracy in drawing and drafting. Check out all our other items and our Store.

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